Here are a few of my favorite Christmas songs/carols for you to enjoy!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
This week, I've been helping my mom put out a bunch of our Christmas decorations, and I realized something. My family has so many Christmas traditions! It's always someones year to-put baby Jesus in the manger of the nativity set, pick out the Christmas tree, open the first present, etc. We also have at least one person at our table who needs a place to be on Christmas. Some years we have heard stories ranging from heroic battle stories to romantic "how-we-met" stories. Another tradition we have is reading the Christmas story from Matthew on Christmas Eve, and then again before Christmas dinner, but this time from the book of Luke. I love hearing all the details of our Saviour's birth by candle light, surrounded by friends and family. I hope and pray that you have a blessed and wonderful Christmas wherever you are!
Here are a few of my favorite Christmas songs/carols for you to enjoy!
Here are a few of my favorite Christmas songs/carols for you to enjoy!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Just a little something...
Today I realized an awesome thing. God knew what I would be going through right now, before I was born, before my parent's were born, and etc.!!! What an amazing, yet confusing thought. He knows EVERYTHING!!
I have been called a know-it-all before, just because I enjoy history and random facts of knowledge, but in fact, I am the daughter of THE know-it-all! That is just totally amazing!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and family, near and far, new and old, and to you who read my blog that I don't know.
What am I thankful for?
I'm thankful for:
~ the little things that make life interesting.
~ God's grace and mercy in my life.
~ family.
~ second chances.
~ good food and a love for it.
~ books.
~ beautiful sunsets and landscapes/
~ coffee and tea as comfort on a rainy day.
~ great friends who help me through it all (thank you, you know who you are!).
~ a new community of Christians in my life (Qtown gathering).
~ good music.
~ 16 years in an amazing Bible Study.
~ prayer.
~ my Meme's stuffing :)
Be safe in all your travels tomorrow and in holiday season!
What am I thankful for?
I'm thankful for:
~ the little things that make life interesting.
~ God's grace and mercy in my life.
~ family.
~ second chances.
~ good food and a love for it.
~ books.
~ beautiful sunsets and landscapes/
~ coffee and tea as comfort on a rainy day.
~ great friends who help me through it all (thank you, you know who you are!).
~ a new community of Christians in my life (Qtown gathering).
~ good music.
~ 16 years in an amazing Bible Study.
~ prayer.
~ my Meme's stuffing :)
Be safe in all your travels tomorrow and in holiday season!
Friday, November 18, 2011
God knows!
When I graduated high school, one of my mom's good friends told me that even if I think I know what my major in college is, it will change. My response to her was "Yeah, right. I'm going to Liberty University for four years to study International Relations and then I'll go to Lebanon and work in the Foreign Service." Boy oh, boy was I wrong. I didn't go to Liberty for a few reasons, but mainly, because God closed the doors that had led there. I fought God almost all the way, even to the point of making myself sick. But praise the Lord He is all knowing! Now, I am at community college (saving a lot of money!), with a Liberal Studies major and helping start a church in Phoenixville, PA with my family and friends. It has been quite an ordeal, but I realize that one day, I would love a family, and it is very hard to have one if you are in the Foreign Service, so I think my heart and head are learning why God closed that door. God always knows what is best, even if we seem to think He is totally wrong! Psalm 139 has been a huge encouragement to me. It also helps to have wonderful examples of godly people in my life for me to look up to. So all that to say, Patty, you were right! I've changed my mind a thousand times, because I'm young, and inexperienced and I have no idea what I'm doing, but God does!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Robert Frost...
The Easter I was 12 years old, my dad gave me a copy of the complete works of Robert Frost. At first the thickness of the book made reading it seem like a daunting task, but the following summer, I challenged myself to read a poem a day. I found that I actually enjoyed poetry. Soon, I was reading 3-5 poems a day. I would then discuss the meanings of them with my dad. I learned that Robert Frost had a very depressing life, and that it was reflected in some of his poems through melancholy imagery. Ever since then, I have had a love for poets, which brought about a knowledge and love for classic playwright's and novelist's works. So thank you Daddy! I'll leave you with my favourite Frost poem.
The Sound of Trees I wonder about the trees. Why do we wish to bear Forever the noise of these More than another noise So close to our dwelling place? We suffer them by the day Till we lose all measure of pace, And fixity in our joys, And acquire a listening air. They are that that talks of going But never gets away; And that talks no less for knowing, As it grows wiser and older, That now it means to stay. My feet tug at the floor And my head sways to my shoulder Sometimes when I watch trees sway, From the window or the door. I shall set forth for somewhere, I shall make the reckless choice Some day when they are in voice And tossing so as to scare The white clouds over them on. I shall have less to say, But I shall be gone. Robert Frost |
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Snow :)
Today, in my little corner of the world it...SNOWED!!!!
It made my day!! I loooooove snow, if you couldn't tell.
It made my day!! I loooooove snow, if you couldn't tell.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
I love Christmastime for 10 reasons.
1) The time that we thank God for sending His ONLY SON to the earth.
2) Everyone seems to be a little more joyful.
3) I love giving people gifts! Joy is soooo contagious when you give a gift joyfully!
4) Everyone wants to be together, whether it's family, friends, or complete strangers, for Christmas!
5) I also like getting presents :)
6) Baking and eating all the scrumptious goodies that are from age-old recipes!
7) I loooove Christmas music, whether it be sacred Christmas songs, or a whimsical Christmas tune!!
8) It's cold, and that means the chance of SNOW!!!!
9) You have good excuses to invite friends and relatives that don't know about Christ and the Gospel to events or your home to show them the love of Christ.
10) I love getting candy in my stocking!!!!
Why am I writing about Christmas in October, you may ask???
Because I am one of those insane people who have already started a count-down calendar!
But you see, it gives me something to look forward to: seeing old friends, my family, and meeting new people!!
66 days till CHRISTMAS!!!
1) The time that we thank God for sending His ONLY SON to the earth.
2) Everyone seems to be a little more joyful.
3) I love giving people gifts! Joy is soooo contagious when you give a gift joyfully!
4) Everyone wants to be together, whether it's family, friends, or complete strangers, for Christmas!
5) I also like getting presents :)
6) Baking and eating all the scrumptious goodies that are from age-old recipes!
7) I loooove Christmas music, whether it be sacred Christmas songs, or a whimsical Christmas tune!!
8) It's cold, and that means the chance of SNOW!!!!
9) You have good excuses to invite friends and relatives that don't know about Christ and the Gospel to events or your home to show them the love of Christ.
10) I love getting candy in my stocking!!!!
Why am I writing about Christmas in October, you may ask???
Because I am one of those insane people who have already started a count-down calendar!
But you see, it gives me something to look forward to: seeing old friends, my family, and meeting new people!!
66 days till CHRISTMAS!!!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Elizabeth Taylor

Friday, October 7, 2011
So, I've been struggling for a while with some spiritual and emotional things. Plus I've been really sick for about a month with a weird virus (I will spare you the details lol). Overall, I've just been discouraged and tired of the things in life. I was listening to Pandora Radio and had it tuned to my New Age Solo Piano Radio. It mixes hymn, classical, jazz, and of course new age piano songs. I was in the cafeteria at school working on homework, when a gorgeous rendition of "How Deep the Father's Love for Us" came on. I lost it. I began to weep. God was speaking to me in ways only He and His Children understand. He sent His ONLY Son to die for me, and with that one thought I was humbled. I'm not saying every thing is perfect now, but my soul feels renewed and refreshed after a good cry and talk with my Father. Thank you, Abba for all you've done.
How deep the Father’s love for us,
how vast beyond all measure
that He should give His only Son
to make a wretch His treasure.
How great the pain of searing loss.
The Father turns His face away.
as wounds which mar the Chosen One
bring many sons to glory.
Behold the Man upon the cross,
my sin upon His shoulders.
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice
call out among the scoffers.
It was my sin that held Him there
until it was accomplished;
His dying breath has brought me life.
I know that it is finished.
I will not boast in anything:
no gifts, no pow’r, no wisdom.
But I will boast in Jesus Christ:
His death and resurrection.
Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer.
But this I know with all my heart:
His wounds have paid my ransom.
how vast beyond all measure
that He should give His only Son
to make a wretch His treasure.
How great the pain of searing loss.
The Father turns His face away.
as wounds which mar the Chosen One
bring many sons to glory.
Behold the Man upon the cross,
my sin upon His shoulders.
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice
call out among the scoffers.
It was my sin that held Him there
until it was accomplished;
His dying breath has brought me life.
I know that it is finished.
I will not boast in anything:
no gifts, no pow’r, no wisdom.
But I will boast in Jesus Christ:
His death and resurrection.
Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer.
But this I know with all my heart:
His wounds have paid my ransom.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I am honestly the kind of person that loves change. I change the setup of my room at least once a month. I change the wallpaper on my laptop and cell phone every week. But there is one thing that changes that I do not like. FACEBOOK!!!! Why, oh why, do they continually make silly changes that no one likes. For instance, the video chat application. If I want to use my webcam to talk to my friends, I will use ooVoo or Skype thank you very much. Anyway...also, Google+ is looking more and more tempting, but they will probably make changes too. My Western Civ. professor told the class today, that our generation is experiencing 4-6 major life changes in a year, compared to our parents 1 major life change a year. This is why anyone between the ages of 17-30 tends to be more "stress-out" and have panic attacks. Trust me, I am completely feeling the side-effects of that.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
A picture is worth a thousand words...
So, I enjoy getting my news from the BBC. I find that they tell the news like it is without any political association involved (I know, it sounds like an oxymoron , but it's not). They have a great feature on their website called the day in pictures. Each picture depicts some sort of event in the news that day, from the streets of Sanaa, Yemen during Ramadan to the inside of a US tank fighting in Afghanistan. The vivid colours can make you cheerful on a cloudy day, or maybe the war torn scene will make you stop and pray for those in the picture.
By just taking a few moments to scan through the pictures, you can become a little more informed about the world.
By just taking a few moments to scan through the pictures, you can become a little more informed about the world.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Remember ~ Christina Rossetti
REMEMBER me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you plann'd:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.
I will never forget. I will simply remember...
REMEMBER me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you plann'd:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.
I will never forget. I will simply remember...
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Cursing and Nerds...WHY??
So today as I sat doing my World Music homework in the cafeteria, two very nerdish young men sat down at a table near me. Everything was fine and dandy, until they whipped out cards to some kind of virtual game (like Pokemon or World of Warcraft.) and started cursing up a storm every time one of them "epic-ally failed" as they called it. Every kind of bad word or curse word that I was never supposed to know was said! I couldn't believe it. Now, I have no problem with video games, virtual games, or role playing games, but I wonder if they provoke such language? Some of my friends play Call of Duty: Black Ops and have said how awful the language is, but they tend to tune it out. But your ears never shut off, so technically you are still hearing it. Do they really need to say all that? Do my fellow classmates and I need to hear that? Noooo way! Just a thought to end your work day!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Sooo, I started college, and all my classes are awesome! The professors are great, and they seem really committed to having the students grasp the concepts and content (they aren't just lecturing, they want us to ask questions). Anyway, my only really tough class is Arabic! I really need to take it, because my goal in life is to become a Foreign Service Officer or a non-profit aid worker in the Middle East. I love the people and culture there, oh and the food! Thus, Arabic is an essential and a bonus on a resume. My Arabic teacher is awesome! She is so dedicated to having us understand Arabic, and is going to teach us as much as possible in one semester. Shukran for reading and ma-asalaamah
Monday, August 29, 2011
I'm not a particular person when it come to brands of things I buy. I will shop anywhere--along the river Seine, at Target, or in a souk--to find what I need. But there is one brand I love: Tiffany's. Yes, Tiffany & Co., famous for diamonds and stain-glass lamps. I love the old lamps, and one day, I hope for some jewelry from Tiffany's. Today, brides want a Tiffany engagement ring simply because everyone else has one, and it also represents wealth and prosperity. But what most of them do not realize, is that they are buying from master's of the trade, craftsmen if you will. They have quality diamonds and pieces of jewelry. So, I occasionally look at their website at their newest items and make a mental "wish list". I was on the website today, and they now have a Tiffany owned website devoted strictly to love/romance: stories of people who fell in love, list of classic romantic movies, and a list of classic romantic music. I looooove the concept! Check it out for yourself!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
I love to write novels, poems, and witty lines. So, from time to time, I will post some of my work on here to share with the world. I'm not Shakespeare or Yeats, but I write what is on my heart. Here is one for instance.
How can you stop loving,
The one you thought you loved.
How can you stop loving,
The one you gave your all too.
How can you stop loving,
The only thing you've ever known.
How can you stop loving,
Something you will...
...never stop loving!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Musical Musings
I love music...all kinds, from all cultures, for all kind of reasons. I take that back, I don't like rap; trust me I've tried listening to a lot of different artists, but I really can't stand it. favourites would be: Spanish/Classic Guitar, Techno, Classical, Opera, Jazz, Time Lord Rock (if you don't know what that is, then you are not a nerd or a geek :) ), Swing, Pop, Alternative, R&B, Celtic, Classical Crossover and Folk....I may be forgetting a few. I love finding new artists, groups, and bands. I recently discovered the band Keane. I found them because I was watching the commercial for the new Winnie the Pooh movie and I LOVED the backround music...thus I fell in love with Keane. They have such a passion in every song they sing, no matter if they are singing about finding love, loosing love, or living with out love. Here's the song from the Pooh commercial. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
That was whaaat? was a typical Emily sort of day. Sleep in, catch up on my British programming (Top Gear, Doctor Who, Masterpiece), organize my room...Well today happened to be the day to organized my books...I was sitting on the floor debating about whether or not to get rid of The New College Latin-English Dictionary, when my window blinds started to sway back and forth against the window. Well, my friends, as odd as this scenario may sound to you, it is actually an usual occurrence in my neighborhood due to all the lovely (ahem) young Cambodian men who love to have a complete Sony surround sound set (base definitely included) in their hatch-back. But then I noticed something odd...why did I feel like I was moving...surely my bottom was on the ground...this wasn't a was my first EARTHQUAKE!!! For an East Coast girl this is uber exciting aaaannnnddd it was a reason to check something off of my Bucket List! The earthquake's epicenter was in Mineral, VA, and could be felt up and down the East Coast. So what started as an ordinary day, turned into a day I will never forget...hopefully :)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
City of the Dead
Summer reading has always been a time for me to reread the books I love! After rereading the whole Anne of Green Gables series, I decided to pick up T.L. Higley's novel, City of the Dead. I had forgotten how much I loved it! This story is filled with mystery, murder, love, and all things Egyptian! I kept trying to remember the end of the story from the last time I read it (about a year ago), but I just couldn' the end I'm glad I didn't, just because of how amazing the ending was! I would recommend this book or any of Tracy's books to anyone, and I have actually given her books as presents to my friends and family! Plus it helps that she lives near Philly...a city dear to my heart! Visit Tracy's website for more info.
Thursday, August 11, 2011 really!
Some American and British comedians poke fun at the French because they tend to be more effeminate in their body language. Men and women alike in France greet each other with two or three kisses on or near the cheek instead of a handshake when they meet. Even when they meet total strangers they exchange "air kisses". So you can see where the jokes can come from (Americans think it's just freaky seeing men kiss each other; the British just don't like personal contact at all). But the French are not the only people group or culture to greet each other in this way (most of Europe and the Middle East in fact). A new German study has been released with interesting findings. Most Germans think that kissing each other in the workplace as a greeting is to intimate for the conference room. An etiquette group in Germany ,the Knigge Society, is suggesting that kissing be banned in the business world. I don't can you ban something that is ingrained into a society and culture! That's like forbidding apple pie's from America or tea from Britain. It's been okay for decades, nay even centuries...what's up now??
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Just a few lines...
Today is a brand new day.
New mistakes to learn from.
New challenges to overcome.
New people to meet;
New friends to make.
So make the most of....
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Captain America
Last weekend I saw Captain America, and came out deep in thought! First off, I loved the movie, just like all the other Avenger movies (they have all met and gone beyond my expectations). Every Avenger movie so far has had the drama, the comedy, the action, and a little dose of romance. But Captain America left me pondering as I threw away my popcorn bag and returned to my car. Here's the deal: Captain America clearly showed that America as a whole aided the fight for freeedom during World War II (the able-bodied men fought, the women made weapons and became nurses on the front, and children grew gardens and collected scrap metal). So my next thought was what in the world are we doing to help pay for and support the current war in the Middle East? No wonder we are trillions of dollars in debt...America is no longer a community of fellow patriots. Stand up for your country...feel proud that you are an American (and no I'm not referring to the country music song). Keep them in your prayers, send them care packages, volunteer at your local USO office. Just a touch in one person's (who has been away for months) life can mean the world to them. And don't forget to thank them for their service...past and present.
Monday, July 25, 2011
L.M. Montgomery
This summer I decided to re-read the Anne of Green Gables Series, and I forgot how much I loved the quaint stories and adventures of Anne, Diana, Gilbert, Marilla, and Matthew. I read them for the first time the summer I was 8 years old and then the following summer my family traveled to PEI (Prince Edward Island) where the books are set. I loved it so much that I did not want to leave! We visitied Green Gables, Lover's Lane, Dalvay-by-the-Sea, and the Haunted Woods. My sister and I even got little straw hats with fake red braids to wear and become "Anne". L.M. Montgomery was such an amazing author who always pricked her readers imagination. Imagine great and grand things just like Anne imagined. I thank L.M. Montgomery for helping me become the writer and reader I am today. Her words provoked me to become a romantic and writer like Anne. I have also read all of Montgomery's other novels such as The Blue Castle and Pat of Silver Bush. So, thank you Lucy, I am indebted to you!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Happy Places
There are only a few places in the world that are one of my "happy places". First, what is my classification for a happy place? A place that makes me feel at home the moment I'm there, and a place that I never want to leave! Here's my list.
1. Yankee Candle Flagship Store-Deerfield, MA- I've been visiting this particular Yankee since I was under a year old. Every year since I was born, my family has taken our Christmas picture there that goes with our Christmas cards. There is an in-door Bavarian village, a model train winter wonderland where it snows every 5 minutes, and a recent addition, but still awesome, kitchen & home center! I could live there forever!
2. Longwood Gardens- Kennett Square, PA- Ahhhh, flower year round, and not just any old flowers but every species in the world. They have adorable bonzai trees, a water lily garden (some of the lily pads are as big as a tractor tire.), an in-door looking pool, Italian water gardens, and so much more! I could spend hours & hours just enjoying the weather and the scenery.
3. The souks in Bourj Hammoud and Byblos- Lebanon- I could just roam here forever! So many little shops (souks in Arabic) to explore and to socialize in. I met many interesting people as I shopped! I met a very posh, Austrian woman who's Lebanese husband owned a shop, and also a poor, nomadic tanner who was selling sheep skin accessories.
4. The Lourve- Paris, France- There is so many little rooms with paintings, sculpture and just architecture to explore. Many people forget that before it was a museum it was a palace to the kings of France before Versailles was built. The scrollwork in the marble walls is art in and of itself. (Just a little tip: don't worry about seeing the Mona Lisa up-close, it's tiny as anything and you can see and appreciate it better from afar. Instead look at the wall across from Mona, and take a gander at one of the largest Renaissance masterpieces-The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci
5. Pont Neuf- Paris, France- A lovely bridge, metro stop, and shopping area. The cafe's there are delightful! One in fact called Café Restaurant Le Sarah Bernhardt Sté, was one of the best cafe's I have ever been to! The staff was very friendly and treated us kindly even though we were American's!
This is just a few of my happy places...How about you? What are some of your happy places in the world?
1. Yankee Candle Flagship Store-Deerfield, MA- I've been visiting this particular Yankee since I was under a year old. Every year since I was born, my family has taken our Christmas picture there that goes with our Christmas cards. There is an in-door Bavarian village, a model train winter wonderland where it snows every 5 minutes, and a recent addition, but still awesome, kitchen & home center! I could live there forever!
2. Longwood Gardens- Kennett Square, PA- Ahhhh, flower year round, and not just any old flowers but every species in the world. They have adorable bonzai trees, a water lily garden (some of the lily pads are as big as a tractor tire.), an in-door looking pool, Italian water gardens, and so much more! I could spend hours & hours just enjoying the weather and the scenery.
3. The souks in Bourj Hammoud and Byblos- Lebanon- I could just roam here forever! So many little shops (souks in Arabic) to explore and to socialize in. I met many interesting people as I shopped! I met a very posh, Austrian woman who's Lebanese husband owned a shop, and also a poor, nomadic tanner who was selling sheep skin accessories.
4. The Lourve- Paris, France- There is so many little rooms with paintings, sculpture and just architecture to explore. Many people forget that before it was a museum it was a palace to the kings of France before Versailles was built. The scrollwork in the marble walls is art in and of itself. (Just a little tip: don't worry about seeing the Mona Lisa up-close, it's tiny as anything and you can see and appreciate it better from afar. Instead look at the wall across from Mona, and take a gander at one of the largest Renaissance masterpieces-The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci
5. Pont Neuf- Paris, France- A lovely bridge, metro stop, and shopping area. The cafe's there are delightful! One in fact called Café Restaurant Le Sarah Bernhardt Sté, was one of the best cafe's I have ever been to! The staff was very friendly and treated us kindly even though we were American's!
This is just a few of my happy places...How about you? What are some of your happy places in the world?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
So I caved in and created a blog. I will be posting my thoughts and opinions on here from time to time. I really never thought I would get a blog. I finally realized that I have the freedom in my country to share my mind and my ideas without punishment, while others were dying because they did this. So I might as well exercise my rights and share my opinions. à bientôt!
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