Friday, September 21, 2012


Happy Friday everyone! Today, whilst I was out and about looking for fabric for a new quilt, the woman at the store kept dropping her scissors in between cutting my fabric. She apologized and said, “TGIF! I’m so glad I get to chill with my girlfriends tonight after such a long week.” I smiled and nodded that I agreed; it had been a long week filled with daily struggles, sin, and constant reminders from God that I’m not perfect but that’s okay, because He is. Her words got me thinking about something. The world looks to the weekend as a time for parties, family, friends, fun and relaxation. Most just want to check out and forget who they are in the corporate world or job setting, and just be "them". So my question is, what should the weekend look like for Christians?
 I have noticed that so many Believers (myself completely included!) view Sunday as the only time during the week  to learn about God through the Word given by a pastor (elder) or as the only time for them to worship God through song and tithe.  We come to the Sunday worship service completely dry and starved of the Word. We either were too busy to think and meditate on Him during the week, or when life finally slowed down, we just wanted to veg in front of the tube. We go to church just to check off a box on the to-do list for the week.  Honestly, it’s ridiculous! We should have a yearning to know more about Him and to want praise Him 24/7 for all of His mercy and patience with us! I realize that this is not going to be completely fulfilled until we reach heaven, but we should be striving to get as close to 110% as we can while still here.
 I love simple anecdotes, so I enjoy the illustration my dad and some of the elders at my church use as a reminder for themselves and for us. Think of your favorite sport team (mine would have to be the Flyers or the Patriots). The coach gives the players a big pep talk at the beginning of the game. First he criticizes them for what they did wrong during the previous game. Next, he tells them how to fix the problems and improve there game. Finally,  praises them for what they did right. So when they head out onto the ice, they are in check, they have a strategy, are full of adrenaline.
In this same way we should look at Sunday as the locker room pep talk. It should be filled with reminders from God in His Word and through worship about what we did wrong and why He had to save us;  how we should be living and learning from our mistakes; and encouragement that what we are doing is correct. Then, we treat the rest of the week as the game, full of disappointment with ourselves and others; possibly persecution or degrading things said about us because of our faith; and just the daily struggles with our flesh (or checking, losing of teeth and broken noses on the NHL level). What are all of those compared to the joy we have from the Lord and responsibility we have to share the Gospel.  
So how should we as Christians view the weekend? Similar to how the woman at the fabric store said, we should just chill, rejuvenate, and remind ourselves who God is, what He’s done, who we are in Him, and what He is continuing to do through us (sinners) for His purpose. We shouldn't forget who we are! Sunday is the day that we get to be reminded as a collective church of who we really are and what our purpose is! "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." 1 Peter 2:9.
We really should thank God it’s Friday, because He has given us another week in life, taught us new things, brought us through those struggles and hopefully taught us more about Him. We have so many things to praise Him for, so I leave you with this:
John 11: 25 & 26
“Jesus said to her, ‘I AM the resurrection & the life. Whoever believes in me, though he dies, yet he will live. And every one who lives & believes in me shall never die…”