Friday, November 18, 2011

God knows!

When I graduated high school, one of my mom's good friends told me that even if I think I know what my major in college is, it will change. My response to her was "Yeah, right. I'm going to Liberty University for four years to study International Relations and then I'll go to Lebanon and work in the Foreign Service." Boy oh, boy was I wrong. I didn't go to Liberty for a few reasons, but mainly, because God closed the doors that had led there. I fought God almost all the way, even to the point of making myself sick. But praise the Lord He is all knowing! Now, I am at community college (saving a lot of  money!), with a Liberal Studies major and helping start a church in Phoenixville, PA with my family and friends. It has been quite an ordeal, but I realize that one day, I would love a family, and it is very hard to have one if you are in the Foreign Service, so I think my heart and head are learning why God closed that door. God always knows what is best, even if we seem to think He is totally wrong! Psalm 139 has been a huge encouragement to me. It also helps to have wonderful examples of godly people in my life for me to look up to. So all that to say, Patty, you were right! I've changed my mind a thousand times, because I'm young, and inexperienced and I have no idea what I'm doing, but God does!

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