Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I am honestly the kind of person that loves change. I change the setup of my room at least once a month. I change the wallpaper on my laptop and cell phone every week. But there is one thing that changes that I do not like. FACEBOOK!!!! Why, oh why, do they continually make silly changes that no one likes. For instance, the video chat application. If I want to use my webcam to talk to my friends, I will use ooVoo or Skype thank you very much. Anyway...also, Google+ is looking more and more tempting, but they will probably make changes too. My Western Civ. professor told the class today, that our generation is experiencing 4-6 major life changes in a year, compared to our parents 1 major life change a year. This is why anyone between the ages of 17-30 tends to be more "stress-out" and have panic attacks. Trust me, I am completely feeling the side-effects of that.

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